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City of Hart Seeks Community Input on Streetscape Design

The City of Hart held a public input session on Thursday, June 22, 2023 asking the public to weigh on what changes, if any, they'd like to see in downtown Hart.

The Hart TIFA hired engineers, Prein & Newhoff to help turn the communities ideas into a rendering of what the changes would look like downtown. The rendering can be used to seek future grant funding as we work to address items downtown that need repair.

"There are several projects that need to take place downtown including new ADA compliant sidewalks, new trees and water lines that need replaced. The last time Downtown Hart had any major infrastructure upgrades was in the 1980’s. Since construction is necessary, the TIFA board agreed that now is the time to develop a design for how the community would like the downtown to be put back together. The public input session showcased pedestrian-friendly projects from other communities for inspiration, took guests through a virtual tour of downtown Hart, and then opened the floor for public input." explains Nichole Kleiner.

The event was well attended with excellent participation and suggestions from the community.

If you were unable to attend, we invite you to take the online survey to share your input. The survey will be open until July 18. The results will be shared with the community. A second community input session will take place before a final rendering is created.

Help us shape the future of Downtown Hart by completing the survey now!

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